Monday, October 26, 2015

Blog Post 7

     Bloom's taxonomy follows a hierarchy of evaluation, synthesis, analysis, application, comprehension and knowledge. With the help of powerpoint, each of these points can be met in a comprehensive way to further the learning process. In my example, I will describe Bloom's taxonomy in reference to an English literature powerpoint. In order to use evaluation in a lesson, my powerpoint  would compare the ideas and outcomes present in two different novels. Synthesis can be present in a powerpoint presentation as the slides can spark discussion that forces students to make inferences and predictions based on the novels they would have read in my class. Powerpoints create cues of analysis, as they drive discussion. In my case, I would use terms that would force students to think about different ways they could look at literature. As students meet the application requirement of Bloom's taxonomy, they use problem solving methods to learn more about the subjects they are studying. In my lit powerpoint, students will have to think about the different ways novels can be presented, and what this means in relation to its overall meaning. Comprehension requires that students understand what is going on in the lesson they are being taught, and nothing can provide a clear explanation better than a powerpoint. In my powerpoint the compilation of all the elements of the lesson and Bloom's taxonomy will allow students to comprehend what I am trying to teach them. The most basic part of Bloom's taxonomy is knowledge. Without it, I could not use my powerpoint to give my students information, just as my students would not be able to comprehend the material.
     As the podcast said, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) broke the ground for new assistive technologies to become available in the classroom. These technologies have since made the lives of people with physical, mental, and learning disabilities much easier. Some of the technologies described in chapter 4 that make the learning process easier for those with any type of disability are modified keyboards, visually adaptive monitors, braille printers, and voice input tools. These tools can help learners with either impediments properly access the tools they need to learn to their full potential. Though the list of actual adaptive technologies is exhaustive, I found these to be among the most useful. Growing up, my grandfather was blind. Because of this, I have seen the revolutions in technologies for the visually impaired in real time. As technology advances, more and more tools become available to those who need it the most. I have seen my grandfather use modified keyboards and voice input devices to communicate with his loved ones. The only problem I see stemming from adaptive technology in the classroom is the costs associated with it. In order for these technologies to be as effective as possible, they must remain up to date. With the constant budget cuts education faces, the cost of modernity may pose a problem for assistive technologies.
     I had a surprising amount of fun working on my web design. I came into the project nervous that I would not understand how to use the technology at all, but I was met with a shockingly simple approach to creating websites. I loved that I had so much creative freedom with the design of the websites. I really enjoy working with aesthetics, so this was a fun project for me. This knowledge of how to create a website is going to be so important in my future as an educator, as I will have the ability to connect with my students in a much more streamlined way. With proper design skills, I can earn the respect of my students and their parents. The only part of the project I did not like were the website generators that were not Weebly. I found the design process of these other sites to be over complicated, and I would recommend omitting them in future assignments.

My Website

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the web design assignment was an enjoyable experience for you. Platforms like Weebly make it really easy to create websites. Great work!
