Monday, November 16, 2015

Blog Post 10

     This week, I learned how to make a non-linear powerpoint. After a long struggle, I found that the slide title part of the assignment did not work the same way on my laptop as it did on the desktop computers in  the classroom. One thing I think that could be improved on for the next group of students who complete this is making the instruction more inclusive for Mac users. Other than the difficulty I had in completing the project on different types of computers, it was an overall very enjoyable experience. The way the project was so open-ended allowed for me to find something I could be creative and have fun with. In my future career, a non-linear powerpoint could provide me with a great tool to make interactive study guides for my students. As they could turn learning into a game, information would be less of a burden and more fun to learn. I never had a teacher create a game like this as a study tool, but I'm sure if I would have gotten a tool like this, I would have greatly appreciated it.

     I think data collecting is immeasurably important as it allows teachers and professors to adjust their instructional styles to fit the needs of their students. I plan to be a college professor. Because I would be in such a large classroom setting, data collecting would allow me to have a grasp of the general understanding of the classroom, despite the lack of individual interaction I may have with my students. I would like to teach American history at whatever institution I find myself employed at. With my particular subject, I think it would be important to ask my students if they found what I was talking about to be interesting. Students cannot learn history without some sort of eagerness and excitement toward the subject, and using data collection, I could tailor my lessons to fit my student's needs.
     Looking at my other classmate's blogs, it was so interesting to see how different our styles are and how differently we all answered the same questions. My favorite blog that I found was Briana's. I really appreciated the time she spent ensuring her blog was aesthetically pleasing. The books she used as her background were adorable. Stephanie's blog was also quite impressive, as she made her blog beautiful. In blog post 9, Stephanie did a great job of explaining SchoolRack. I had never heard of this technology prior to reading her blog, and I was surprised to know that there were so many forums where teachers can design their own websites. 
     Even though I have limited access to it, I would love to learn how to use a 3D printer. Even using the software to make 3D models would be interesting to me. If I learned how to use this technology, I have a few connections in my hometown that would allow me to access a 3D printer. Regardless of how accessible the technology is, I think that 3D printers will become more commonplace as technology continues to evolve. As this change continues, I think a great skill would be background knowledge of the uses and operations of the printer. What is now a highly technical skill may become elementary as 3D printing becomes more common.
     As my future in education tech progresses, it is my goal to stay relevant and up to date with the world's continually evolving technologies. I can meet this goal by following technology journals that write about continually evolving and improving technologies. As I will be surrounded by students in my future, I think it would be beneficial to talk to my students about which technologies they would like to see me integrate into my classroom. If I have learned one thing in this course that will stick with me for the rest of my life, it's that the world will continue to change. This world will leave you behind if you don't make an effort to change with it. Because of this, I want to ensure that my experience with technology remains relevant in the modern world.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, Baylee. I'm sorry that you experienced so much frustration. Unfortunately, technology can be extremely frustrating (especially when you have to switch platforms). I'm glad you got through it!
