Monday, November 9, 2015

Blog Post 9

     The flipped classroom is a model in which students learn material at home, through the means of informational videos, and work on projects and assignments in class. This method of teaching allows for students to get the help they need in more interactive assignments, rather than using class time for less interactive lessons. One of the most popular websites that can be used in the flipped classroom, according to chapter 10, is Khan Academy. In this website, students watch videos recorded by teachers and professors as they share their knowledge of the subjects they are teaching. As teachers delve into their subjects, they provide step-by-step instructions of how to accomplish any task. When students learn in a flipped classroom, they have learn new materials in a way that can help their gained knowledge stick with them. The only problem I have with the flipped classroom model is that some  students may not watch the videos that allow them to learn new material at home. Whether this is due to limited internet access or laziness, this could hinder the learning process for other students as teachers struggle to keep their kids on the same page.
     Professional development is the way teachers change their techniques in order to mirror the future ways children may need to process information. A teacher's professional development reelects the ways their students will be able to apply the things they learn in class to the modern world. In my personal career as an educator, I think v-logs have some of the best opportunities for future learning developments. Using v-logs, students and teachers can be connected on a personal level no matter where they are. Even when a student is face to face with their teacher, v-logs can help students explore new options in the educational field by removing any boarders students have from receiving international lessons.
    Beyond exploring new cultures through the use of international lessons, v-logs could revolutionize the way students stay home from school due to illness. Right now, if a student misses a class, they lose the educational exposure they would have received in class. In the future, v-logs will make it possible for students to hear and experience a lesson from their homes, if necessary. With the rapid development of the world today, each missed day of education has the potential to disrupt a child's future. In my own personal means of professional development, I will use these up and coming technologies to protect the vigor of my students' education. I have mentioned a few of the ways v-logs can help further the educational process, but I'm sure these services can offer more helpful techniques than I ever imagined. There are a number of resources available to make my v-log dream a reality. Through the use of Skype for education and helpful resources from Microsoft Education, I can better myself in my endeavors to professionally develop v-logs in my classroom.
     I learned that Powerpoint is much easier to use than I remembered in the Information Dissemination project. I have not made a Powerpoint in almost a year before this project, and I was truly relieved to find that Microsoft had streamlined the process so much. I am so glad that we got to choose a fun topic for our powerpoint. I think this made me put more effort into the project, as I enjoyed what I was working with. If I had to make a complaint about the project, I would say that I did not like the animations we had to put on two of the slides. Other than that, the project was an enjoyable experience. I've been doing a lot of thinking recently, and I have decided I would like to become a teacher. Because of this, I need to become extremely Powerpoint savvy in order to present information well to my students. This being said, the information dissemination project gave me a great opportunity to manipulate Powerpoint. Below are some screenshots of my project:

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Thanks for your feedback about the assignment... I definitely understand your point about the animations!
